
Popular French Christmas Songs

Popular French Christmas Songs

This recording includes all the most popular French Christmas Songs, such as “Il est né, le divin enfant” (He is born, the Divine Child), “Mon beau sapin”(O Christmas Tree) and “Petit Papa Noël” (Dear...

French Christmas songs

French Christmas Songs by Tino Rossi

Tino Rossi is the most famous singer of traditional French Christmas songs.His recording features the popular songs:“Minuit Chretien” (O Holy Night),“Petit Papa Noël” (Dear Santa) – the kids’ favorite Christmas song ^^These French Christmas...

The man in the Iron mask

The Iron Mask – with Jean Marais

  The Iron Mask was one of my favourite movies when I was a kid – it’s funny and features Jean Marais, one of the best French actors of his generation.The Iron Mask is...
