The Little Prince (Le Petit Prince) – English and Bilingual Editions
by French Possum · December 20, 2015

This story, written in a simple and accessible writing style, is a publishing phenomenon and the second world best-selling book after the Bible. I just love everything about the Little Prince: the poetry, the illustrations, the words that appeal to the child we never really cease to be... Remember: "one sees clearly only with the heart. What is essential is invisible to the eyes."
The Little Prince is the main topic of my video: The Little Prince - a story of love, loss, friendship and solitude
Both an English (with audio) and a French/English bilingual editions are available on Amazon. Enjoy your journey to a little asteroïd, where a Little Prince meets a capricious rose...
After being stranded in a desert after a crash, a pilot comes in contact with a captivating little prince who recounts his journey from planet to planet and his search for what is most important in life.
For over sixty-five years Antoine de Saint-Exupery's classic, The Little Prince, has captured readers' hearts. The whimsical story with a fairy tale feel has sold over 3 million copies in all formats. (description from Amazon)
Transparency statement: I have read this novel in French several times and recommend it because I sincerely believe you will enjoy reading it too ^^