Popular French Christmas Songs
by French Possum · December 4, 2015

This recording includes all the most popular French Christmas Songs, such as “Il est né, le divin enfant” (He is born, the Divine Child), “Mon beau sapin”(O Christmas Tree) and “Petit Papa Noël” (Dear Santa).
This CD is mentioned in my video: How to organize a French Christmas
List of tracks:
- Le petit Noel - Yvette Et Jackman
- Petit Papa Noel - Tino Rossi
- La marche des Rois - Renee Viala
- Noel Macabre - Louis Lynel
- Bonhomme Noel - Berthe Sylva
- Noel de mer - Tino Rossi
- Tyrolienne de Noel - Andre Any
- Noel - Renee Viala
- Noel des petits santons - Alibert
- Noel - Georges Thill
- Le voyage a Bethlehem - Yvette Guilbert
- Vent d'oousi - Tino Rossi
- Le petit Noel - Charles Trenet & Johnny Hess
- Le Noel de Becassine - Michel Moreau
- Voici Noel, o douce nuit - Jean Planel
- Voici les santons - Jean Lumiere
- Mon beau sapin - Jean Planel
- Il est ne le divin enfant - Jean Lumiere
Format: CD
Transparency statement - please note: I have not listened to this full recording yet so my advice is based on Amazon's reviews and on personal research . When researching Valentine's Day gift ideas, I spent a lot of time carefully looking for French music that could be of interest to French enthusiasts and this recording really grabbed my attention - this is why I chose to recommend it.